JULY 2017





The Cines Callao were the stage for a massive new film premiere. This time around, it was actor Richard Gere who was welcomed by a throng of fans awaiting him in Madrid’s Square of Callao. He came, along with his partner, Alejandra Silva, to present his latest work: Norman: The Moderate Rise and Tragic Fall of a New York Fixer.

This premiere was for charity purposes, with funds allocated to the foundations Juegaterapia (www.juegaterapia.org), which helps children suffering from cancer to get through their hospital stay by playing games, and ICT (www.savetibet.org), which works to defend human rights and democratic freedom in Tibet.

Afterward, they posed for the media next to little Mateo and Carmen, cancer sufferers under treatment, who came to the premiere with the President of Juegaterapia, Mónica Esteban, and the Honorary President, Pablo Ibáñez (El Hombre de Negro/The Man in Black).

Other premieres at Callao City Lights

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