MoviStar+ selected Cines Callao to hold the premiere for “La Peste,” the most anxiously awaited Spanish series of the season. Created by Alberto Rodríguez (director) and Rafael Cobos, “La Peste” brings us back to late 16th-century Seville. Poverty, corruption and the plague set the tone for the city, which at the time was the metropolis of the Western world and candidate for capital of the kingdom.

The premiere, which included a showing of the first two episodes in the series, was attended by creators and producers and the entire artistic cast: Pablo Molinero, Paco León, Patricia López Arnáiz, Sergio Castellanos, Manuel Solo, Cecilia Gómez, Lupe del Junco and more. A great number of representatives from Spanish film and other well-known personalities also attended. They all posed at an original photo op booth, “invaded” by gold-coloured rats at the entrance to the cinema.


Other premieres at Callao City Lights

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