JUNE 2021

Our corporate events



La Publicidad has chosen Callao City Lights to hold the IV Branded Content Forum. A successful meeting in hybrid format, face-to-face and online, in which a dozen professionals explained the benefits of this discipline for brands and presented some success stories.

This year’s speakers were Iñigo de Luis, head of strategy at Arena Media; Luis Movilla, director of branded content at Be a Lion; Elena Pastor, creative director; Adrián Chinchilla, head of content at Mediaco; David Pueyo, head of content and transmedia strategy at Bridges (Havas Media Group); José Gabriel García, CEO of La Caja Company; Poncho García-Valenzuela, chief innovation officer at Mediabrands Content Studio; José Casanova, CEO of Casanova Agency; Nina Bermúdez, sports and gaming manager at Rebold Spain; Ana Moreno, content director at Rebold; David Vara, account director at Zenith; Miguel Villarruel, content projects and strategy director at Publicis Content, and Eider Bolinaga, brand manager content at Mahou San Miguel.

The meeting ended with an interview with Juan Luis Cano, partner of La Maleta Azul and former member of the comedy duo Gomaespuma, in which he talked about his relationship with advertising throughout his career and the importance of humour as a vehicle to tell any story.

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