JULY 2021




Teléfono de la Esperanza (TDLE) has launched an advertising campaign that, based on the popular summer hashtag #AquíSufriendo (HereSuffering), seeks to raise awareness of depression and anxiety problems. The action, created by Publicis España, is being developed on social networks and is supported by various creatives on the screens of Callao City Lights.

telefono de la esperanza

Image property of Interactiva Digital

Globally, depression is the fourth leading cause of illness among adolescents and anxiety, the ninth, according to the WHO. In recent months, more than 4,000 calls to the TDLE have been identified by young people between 14 and 27 years of age with suicidal intentions. This campaign aims to achieve two communication objectives: notoriety, connecting with young people, who are often indifferent or distracted by this type of solutions, and engagement with the target group to which the creative proposal is addressed.
Callao City Lights’ screens and TDLE’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram profiles will publish a series of creatives with the hashtag #HereSuffering with the aim of changing the social conversation. A reference that has been acquired for being the perfect example of not calling #ThingsByTheirName (hashtag that is also involved in the campaign) and for being one of the most popular hashtags during the summer. In this case, it works against irony and invites the profiles that are using it from their holiday destinations to reinforce the literal meaning by supporting the dissemination of the overwhelming reality of depression and anxiety at such a young age. At the same time, different influencers have been invited to become sponsors of this action.

Finally, and as a key to this campaign, Publicis España has four digital profiles responsible for energising the conversation during the months of July and August that the campaign will be active, responding to all interventions on social networks under the hashtag #HereSuffering and promoting the positioning of the main message in the top of mind of society.

telefono de la esperanza

Image property of Interactiva Digital

Other premieres at Callao City Lights

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